Saturday, November 22, 2008


I am done with my training viva.submitted the so called "Live Project " i worked on!! well it feels very good to have worked on something very sincerely..I don't remember anything done by me worth "creative" in my life.May be this is the first time i have done something like this. I always knew i could but its just that the wayward attitude that I possess .i never let myself do any kind of hard work .This time too i would have let things go like that only.Just that something happened in between..May be i got the time to think about myself .I remembered all the things people said to me "about me"..So keeping all the useless things aside .i thought of giving myself a chance..I bet it was very hard to concentrate and keep the spirits high during the whole process of making the project but now in the end i feel it was worth it!!
Actually its really not that big thing to boast about.. The thing is my website is all set to rock the World Wide Web !! Actually it's not my website .Its company's website .I call it mine because i played a crucial part in "THE MAKING" of !!
I worked on a module "Online testing" .The sad thing is that its open for the company people only .So others cant login and test the module.. But i really need some suggestions and feedbacks regarding the website..!! Atleast have a say on the home page.. !!!
I used & C# + a lil bit of javascript !! Do tell me some ways of making the website more attaractive and more useful!!!

P.S.:: This is the most basic version of the website (bole to alpha version).work is on progress.So u may find some links not working or not loading properly !!

1 comment:

shaveta said...

nice blog and thanx for stopping on my blog